Laurence, Montréal

Nom / surnom Laurence Desjardins Où habites-tu ? Montréal Quel est ton job ? Sexologue dans le milieu de la santé sexuelle Pourquoi t’es-tu fait tatouer ? La première fois que je me suis fait tatouer j’avais 19 ans. Je voulais marquer un moment et un état d’esprit dans lequel je vivais depuis un…

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Jessi Preston, Montreal

Name/ nickname : Jessi Preston/JP/Stax Where do you live ? I live between Brooklyn, NY & Montreal, QC Describe yourself in only one sentence : I am a tattoo artist, part owner of Two Horses in Montreal, and a sneaky devil all over your face.  Why do you have tattoos ? I started getting tattoos because…

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Inked Boy at Galerie Colbert : Rodin Kaufmann

Rodin is an occitan multitask artist from Marseille. Rodin has been singing in a polyphonic band since he was 11 years old. He has been touring around the world. He writes and composes music, draws birds and clothes, shoots videos and writes poetry. He has got a complex vision of tattoo, but a great way…

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Yanneric, Quai Branly

Name/ nickname Keke Where do you live ? Strasbourg Your job? salesman textil Describe yourself in only one sentence : Who likes the life and wants to live his dreams Why do you have tattoos ? I do not know, I was always close to the musical universe where almost members are tattooed, that certainly…

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Marion, Rue Mauconseil, Paris

Name/ nickname : Marion Where do you live ? Paris Your job ? Student designer and merchandising Describe yourself in only one sentence : /  Why do you have tattoos ? I had my first tattoo when I was only 18 YO (my birds), I wanted to, it was necessary. What is your interest in tattoos…

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1, 2, 3, 4 … 100

Il y a 18 mois je me lançais dans un projet fou : photographier des gens tatoués dans la rue, simplement, sans artifice, montrer une autre image du tatouage, donner au « peuple » un espace de parole. Et puis rapidement, contre toute attente, le projet a pris de l’ampleur : les…

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Agathe, Place Charles Rogier, Brussels

Name/ nickname Agathe Where do you live? Brussels What’s your occupation? I study interior architecture and built environment. Can you describe yourself in just one sentence? Oh I think the cat got my tongue! Why did you get tattoos? I started to alter my skin to mark a particular life landmark. And then it grew…

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AKA Berlin, Hannah Degraves

A few months ago, I went to Berlin with GStar Raw. During my trip, I planned to visit the AKA Berlin tattoo parlor, one of the most famous tattoo parlors in the world. The first person I met was Hannah Degraves, who’s specialized in Piercings and Microdermals. She is from Southampton, England. She likes tattoos and dinosaurs; she especially likes…

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Ann Flore, Passage Brady, Paris

Name/ nickname Ann-Flore Where do you live ? I live near Paris, in the suburbs. Your job? angry blogger and communication student Describe yourself in only one sentence : Perfectionist and naysayer! Why do you have tattoos ? I was tattooed when I was 19 years old. Since I was kid…

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Anthony, Paris

The Tattoo family is a big family with interesting people, tattoos and bodmods are close cousins. I was always afraid by people who make modifications on their body, I don’t know why, maybe a rest of my fear of the difference. Anyway when I’ve met Anthony I was strangely attracted. Anthony…

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