Jessi Preston, Montreal

Name/ nickname : Jessi Preston/JP/Stax

Where do you live ? I live between Brooklyn, NY & Montreal, QC

Describe yourself in only one sentence : I am a tattoo artist, part owner of Two Horses in Montreal, and a sneaky devil all over your face.

 Why do you have tattoos ? I started getting tattoos because I was curious about the transformative nature of actually getting one. I continue to get tattoos because it’s fun and I learn something new from every artist that tattoos me.

What is your interest in tattoos ? I have a great respect for the history and traditions of tattooing. When I started out I was mystified by the secrecy and excited by the opportunity to acquire knowledge that wasn’t readily available like everything else online these days. There was just so much that I didn’t know about the vocabulary of tattoos that I wanted to understand better. As a creative, I have a great appreciation for any craftsman that is pursuing their trade day in day out trying to achieve the best quality work they can. Tattooing just happens to be my trade and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I literally learn something new every day.

What or who is your inspiration ? There is inspiration everywhere. I love any and all reference books I can get my hands on, particularly old folk, circus/freak, nature, bird, victorian gems I can find. Old labels, vintage design, mid century furniture, japanese clothing design, you name it! I am super detail oriented, so anything with exaggerated proportions or clever use of matter gets me pumped. Of course all of the old school traditional tattoo artists from the US to Denmark are a huge inspiration for the work that I do. They shaped the trade and the iconography used today and it still holds fast. Traditional tattoos will always look good on the body, nuff said. I also love all kinds of music and find it super visual. I am currently working on a Nirvana flash set that I’m really excited about. When it comes to tattooing, I pour over instagram whenever I have down time. There’s so many talented tattoo artists out there that I love to look at!

When it comes down to each piece I do, unless someone is getting flash that I have pre-drawn, my clients inspire the design process. Their ideas are what I put on them so when it comes to inspiration that’s an unending gold mine of inspiration. I am lucky that I have great clients with really good taste! Thanks guys!!

Tell me more about your tattoos ? There’s no need for a story in a tattoo. If you have one, great! But I’m all about putting stuff you like on you. Plus, I’m a collector, so I generally get what the artist is into doing.

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